Dark Lord, would you peh-leez step over there. I need to see your hands.
POPE BEATS THE DEVIL -- THREE TIMES! Pope John Paul II has personally fought with Satan at least three times -- and won!
The pugnacious pontiff has performed the ancient religious rite of exorcism on three people possessed by Satan, according to one of the Catholic Church's top exorcists. "He carried out these exorcisms because he wanted to give a powerful example," said the Rev. Gabriele Amorth. "He wanted to give the message that we must once again start exorcising those who are possessed by demons."
Amorth said the first case occurred in 1982, early in the pope's term.
"This girl was rolling around on the ground," he said. "People in the Vatican had never seen anything like it. For us exorcists it is run-of-the-mill."
As demonstrated in the classic horror movie The Exorcist, the ceremony casts demons out of the possessed person with a combination of prayers and religious tools including holy water and the crucifix. It can be a violent and frightening process, often causing the victim to writhe in pain and curse those seeking to cure the demonic possession.
"I have seen levitations," Amorth said, "and a force that needed six or eight men to hold the person still. Such things are rare, but they happen."
One real-life exorcism recalls the famous movie scene in which actress Linda Blair violently pukes on the exorcist, played by Max von Sydow.
"The devil told a woman that he would make her spit out a transistor radio," Amorth said, "and lo and behold -- she started spitting out bits and pieces of a transistor!"
Amorth revealed the papal exorcisms just after the pope warned of satanic possession -- indicating that the Holy Father believes the devil is quite real.
In an address from the Vatican, the pontiff issued this ominous warning:
"The devil, 'the prince of this world,' even today continues his insidious actions. Each and every man is tempted by the devil when he least expects it.
The pugnacious pontiff has performed the ancient religious rite of exorcism on three people possessed by Satan, according to one of the Catholic Church's top exorcists. "He carried out these exorcisms because he wanted to give a powerful example," said the Rev. Gabriele Amorth. "He wanted to give the message that we must once again start exorcising those who are possessed by demons."
Amorth said the first case occurred in 1982, early in the pope's term.
"This girl was rolling around on the ground," he said. "People in the Vatican had never seen anything like it. For us exorcists it is run-of-the-mill."
As demonstrated in the classic horror movie The Exorcist, the ceremony casts demons out of the possessed person with a combination of prayers and religious tools including holy water and the crucifix. It can be a violent and frightening process, often causing the victim to writhe in pain and curse those seeking to cure the demonic possession.
"I have seen levitations," Amorth said, "and a force that needed six or eight men to hold the person still. Such things are rare, but they happen."
One real-life exorcism recalls the famous movie scene in which actress Linda Blair violently pukes on the exorcist, played by Max von Sydow.
"The devil told a woman that he would make her spit out a transistor radio," Amorth said, "and lo and behold -- she started spitting out bits and pieces of a transistor!"
Amorth revealed the papal exorcisms just after the pope warned of satanic possession -- indicating that the Holy Father believes the devil is quite real.
In an address from the Vatican, the pontiff issued this ominous warning:
"The devil, 'the prince of this world,' even today continues his insidious actions. Each and every man is tempted by the devil when he least expects it.
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